Official AQ2World Discord Server

News and such

Moderator: Co-Administrators

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United States of America darksaint
Bringin' the AQTION
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Official AQ2World Discord Server

Post by darksaint »

Hello AQ2 Community!

Multiple members of the community been chatting with other regional scenes in discussions about defragmenting the community from individual Discord servers into a central place where all communications, event organizations, ladders, CWs, news and general chatter would take place. The official AQ2World Discord server is online and ready for use:

There have been concerns noted that this may mean that individual communities get 'absorbed' and we lose their identity, but I think this gives us all the opportunity to re-merge back into the action scene with our fellow members, even though they're quite literally on the other side of the world from us. There's no reason to abandon your current servers should they be needed, but most if not all future AQ2 communications will occur on the new server to save us the headache of posting links everywhere and reduces the chance of someone missing out of an event because they weren't in the 'right' AQ2 Discord server.

Please feel free to contact any of the mod team or myself for suggestions, improvements, concerns or questions. 🙂 Happy AQ2'in!
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