Tutorial: How to use the Discord Ladder bot

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Slovenia matic
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Tutorial: How to use the Discord Ladder bot

Post by matic »

This is a tutorial for the Discord ladder bot

This will cover how to:
  • register a player
  • create a team
  • join a ladder
  • issue a challenge
  • accept/reject/cancel a challenge
  • report a match result
You can use the ladder bot in the #ladder channel using slash (/) command. Writing /help will list you the commands you can use.

Lets first register a player (discord nick @RandomFragger, in-game nick Fragger).
/player create discord_id:@RandomFragger nick:Fragger

Create a team (Fraggers United, tag [FU])
/team create name:Fraggers United tag:[FU]

You are automatically the captain of the team, now you can add other members to the team if the players are already created.
First find your team's ID:
/team list
Then add the player to it:
/team add_player id_team:1 discord_id:@RandomFragger2 captain:False

Join a ladder with a team.
First find your ladder:
/ladder list
Then join it using your team's ID:
/ladder add_team id_ladder:1 id_team:1

Challenge an opponent.
You will need ladder ID, teams' IDs, date and time (format DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM)
/challenge create id_ladder:1 id_team_1:1 id_team_2:2 datetime:20/10/2022 20:00

Accept, reject or cancel a challenge.
First you will need ID of the challenge:
/challenge list
To accept the challenge:
/challenge accept id_match:1
To reject the challenge:
/challenge reject id_match:1
To cancel a challenge:
/challenge cancel id_match:1

Report a match result
First you will need ID of the match (challenge):
/challenge list
Report rounds score:
/match report_score id_match:1 score_team_1:30 score_team_2:28

If you encounter problems or the method to perform an action is unclear, please issue a ticket in #create-ticket or ask the Ladder admins in #ladder-troubleshoot