Stats and Achievements Announcement

Discuss your stats and achievements in here!
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United States of America darksaint
Bringin' the AQTION
Posts: 68
Joined: Fri Feb 11, 2022 5:19 am
Location: Ohio

Stats and Achievements Announcement

Post by darksaint »

It's been 24 years since AQ2 was released, and what an affect it had on gaming! We're here to celebrate the game with a couple of great announcements!

After months of artwork revisions, technical details, bug fixes and arduous testing, the AQ2World Team is proud to announce official support for Steam Achievements! Some may be very easy, while others are more... specific. The artwork was carefully created to cater to the scene; you'll notice several references to action movies and characters, and our very own Male model stars in many of them.

Additionally, stat tracking is available via web-driven dashboards!

Quick Q&A:

Q: I definitely just did something to earn an Achievement and I didn't get it! I DEMAND SATISFACTION!
A: There's a few things to check to make sure you're eligible:
  • Achievements are server-driven, so playing single player bots won't make your actions Achievement-worthy.
  • You must play on official servers, usually the ones labeled as "AQ2World" in the server name will be tracking Achievements. Non-official servers will still have the same action-packed game you would expect from AQtion, but progress towards Achievements won't be recorded.
  • It's possible that Achievement rewards are delayed for technical reasons, or perhaps you were rewarded and you didn't notice?
Q: I have great ideas for new Achievements, where can I suggest them?
A: Visit us in Discord and join the #community channel to make your suggestions heard!

Q: What are some of the criteria around stat collection?
A: Just like Achievements above, you must be playing in an official AQ2World server for your stats to count. Playing by yourself with bots won't do it, only real targets count here! Here are some additional constraints:
  • Your stats won't be recorded if you are alone in a server, so feel free to crater all day long without fear of having a ton of deaths on your record.
  • Stats are not recorded during warmups or after round teamkills, so blast away!
  • Any bots in game (even online in an official server) disable stat collection, so no easy kills to pad your stats!
  • To verify if your favorite server is recording stats, check the server info for stat_logs = 1
  • You must stick around to the very end of the match for all of your stats to count! Leaving early means missed stats!
Q: Where can I view my stats?
A: The initial stat dashboard links are here listed here: Q: Hey, I'm in a clan but I don't see my clan tag in the clan search!
A: Make sure you were wearing that clan tag in your name when you play so that those stats can be properly recorded. You don't need to use it all the time, but the system needs to record you wearing the tag at least once, usually as a frag. Additionally, the tag must be something easily searchable. A single character (like $) is not a good clan tag to search by. Good examples are ones like >fs<,, [TDM].
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